This tool will play a chord, then a rest, repeated. You should match the chord on your instrument.
I suggest this tool to be used after mastering chord recognition recognition at a slow, flexible speed. A good tool for this is the Chord Functions exercise in the OpenEar app . Also, you should probably also be pretty fast with the companion Pitch Match tool before using this one.
This tool does not detect whether or not you match pitches successfully, you need to have sufficient ear training skill to tell for yourself whether or not you match. The main purpose of this tool is to (1) push your recognition speed faster, and (2) practice matching using your instrument of choice instead of an ear training app UI.
You may want to try to match notes and voicings exactly, or you may want to merely match chord bass, root, and quality. Or whatever. Use this tool in any way that helps you.
Configure chords by writing their offsets in semitones from the root
note. Offset lists are written in JSON format, and should just be a
list of numbers, like
. Offsets may be negative, and do not need to be
in any particular order.
Each chord type has a weight for each solfege syllable. If you have a major chord with weight 10 on do, and other weights adding up to 100, then there is a 1/10 chance of the tool playing a major I chord. The probability for each chord is unaffected by previous chords, unlike the tone match tool.
If you want to add an inverted chord, write the offsets from the
bass note, and write probabilities based on the bass note. For
example, a I chord in first inversion would have offsets
and be on bass note mi.
You can also use the arpeggiate mode, note, and cycle duration parameters to make a “chunked” version of pitch matching. You can do this with arpeggios of actual chords, or you can create presets that include “chords” that are actually scale fragments or other patterns that you want to practice recognizing as a “chunk”. This idea is similar to chucking word fragments, words, and common phrases in natural language for speaking, listening, or reading. If you can recognize a group of notes as a single “chunk”, it can be easier to recognize and remember larger musical phrases. Along with increasing recognition (and production) speed, chunking can help improve musical fluency.
Each of these tools has a configuration import/export feature to save your configuration (and presets) in JSON, as well as edit them by hand. To import a saved configuration, paste it into the box and use the Import Config button. Press the Export Config button to replace the text in the box with the current configuration. Use Control+A to select all of the text, copy it, and paste it somewhere to save or edit.
This is a companion to the Pitch Match tool and the Sight Sing tool.
This tool is free and open source software. Feel free to check out the source code and submit changes at the hosted repository.