My name is William G Hatch.
I write software, and generally like computers. This is probably the most relevant information for readers of this blog. I’ve been writing software professionally for several years. I did a PhD in computer science at the University of Utah. My PhD research focused on programming languages, and especially extensible languages and domain-specific languages. I have many thoughts and opinions about computers, programming, and software, which you can probably tell if you are reading this blog. I love the Lisp family of programming languages. My favorite programming language is Racket. If you want to see code that I’ve written, check out my projects page.
More personally, I’m a husband and father. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I served as a missionary in Mexico City for two years in the middle of my undergrad years. If you’re curious, I’m always happy to discuss why I believe in it and why it’s important.
I like music, but I’m not very good at making it. I played the clarinet and bass clarinet through my undergrad, and still enjoy it though I haven’t kept it up. More recently I’ve started learning to play some isomorphic instruments, though I’m still a beginner. I used to play with yo-yos a lot as a kid, and I can still do some cool tricks. I enjoy video games, though I try not to spend much time gaming any more.
This blog isn’t about any topic in particular. In practice it is mostly computing or software related. However, I will write about anything I want here.
If you want to contact me, my email address is my first name at my last name dot uno (IE the number one in Spanish). I’m happy to hear your thoughts on any of my blog posts, answer questions, etc. I won’t promise a timely reply, though.
This about page may be quite out of date when you read it, by the way. I tend to forget that it’s here.